Infinite Loop - a node js packge

Good Performance, Low Mem Comsumption, Easy to Use

Infinite Loop is a node.js package for easily managing loops in Javascript.

Install it with npm

$ npm install infinite-loop


The Most Basic one is helloWorld

Step one: require infinite loop module

var Infiniteloop = require('infinite-loop');

Step two: define the function which you want to call forever

//simply log something to the console
function say(word1, word2){
    console.log(word1 + word2);

Step three: init an instance, make it done

var loop = new Infiniteloop();
//use loop.add to add a function
//fisrt argument should be the fn, the rest is the fn's arguments
loop.add(say, 'hello', ' world!');
//make it run;

The API is also chainable

loop.add(say, 'hello', ' world!').run();

That's it. Your function will be called forever.

If you want to stop the loop, just use stop function: For example, stop the loop after 5 seconds:

}, 5000);